Fellow Birawis,
We are so excite to unite with you all. There was such a great surge of registrations last week. This week will be our FINAL REGISTRATION DEADLINE.
FINAL REGISTRATION ENDS this Friday, Dec 16th. No tickets will be sold at the door. 

To purchase your hotel please go to: https://www.omnihotels.com/hotels/orlando-championsgate/meetings/al-bireh-society-2022-12192022
To purchase your ticket please go to: https://albirehsociety.org/event/al-bireh-convention-2022/
Registration ends 12-16-2022.
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#albirehsocietyconvention2022 #albirehsociety2022 #PalestinePride #StrongerTogether #Birawi #AlBireh #Debkeh #Concert