On behalf of Al-Bireh Society USA, represented by its National Board, it’s Chapters, it’s Members, and it’s volunteers, we would like to express our sincere condolences to the Birawi community in the US and in Al-Bireh, Palestine,
For the loss of our beloved sister, Al-Hajja Mona Yussef Ishtaiwi, who passed in Al-Bireh, Palestine on January 27, 2020. She moved to the mercy of Allah, Almighty, God willing, with the forgiveness of Allah, Almighty. May Allah have Great mercy on her, enter her the highest paradise, and forgive her. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
انا الله و انا اليه راجعون
قال تعالى : ( يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي } صدق الله العظبم.
انتقلت الى رحمة الله تعالى المغفور لها باْذن الله تعالى الحاجة منى يوسف اشتيوي (ام حاتم).
ارحمها الله رحمة واسعة وأدخلها الفردوس الأعلى واغفر لها.
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون